Getting back on the Go

Creativity, in the sense of producing new ‘works’ (music, poetry, blog posts etc…) takes a certain conscious appreciation that doesn’t come around too often for me outside of computer programming.

To get around this, I’ve been forcing myself to write a stream of consciousness every morning, pen to paper for a solid twenty-five minutes to flex this under-developed muscle. Anything that’s on my mind, be it dreams (literally and figuratively), goals, insecurities, etc… to help draw out my intention for the day. And maybe, on occasion, there will be a diamond in the roughest rough; that is to say original metaphors, similes and the like that can be distilled into pure poetry (or bathos).

I want to be promoting more of these creative tendencies in my life, so I’m going to try and write more articles about my thoughts and endeavours. For example, I’ve started playing a bit of Go again; hopefully, writing about my terrible Go playing will force me to play with a little more intention.

The above board is being rendered by besogo, a lightweight sgf viewer written in javascript. It’s easy to compile, although the recommended build instructions involve using the remote Google Closure Compiler which it turns out has since been deprecated.

The the offline closure compiler can instead be used in the same way with the following one liner:

closure-compiler --compilation_level=SIMPLE --js js/* > besogo.min.js

The above game was played back in 2020 on Pandanet, which was the last time I played internet Go in any consistent capacity. I uploaded the game to ai-sensei, which generates an sgf with depth 50 playout (4 moves) on any 10 kyu level ‘mistake’; oh boy, there are a lot of mistakes…

In terms of writing articles, if I end up adding a lot of Go content I’ll add a separate rolling section, but for now I’m fine having all articles under ‘Thoughts’ until it becomes cumbersome to manage this way.